There's this blog that I really love. It's called Modish Biz tips.
And they have a great business advice for freelance artists, like me.
I have joined the monthly goal meet up to try to motivate me to achieve my business goals
Here are my goals for May
And I 'm sorry to say that I didn't achieve them like i wanted to... snif snif
but I will try again this month and hopefully it will go better
Goals for May
1- build my website ( update: I have decided on my site map, my overal design style and I have hired a web programmer.. so that's going pretty well but not fast enough. It's my number 1 priority for this month)
2- enter in a illustration contest ( this is the worst one, I had found my contest, and I had a great illustration to send... but I totally forgot the submission deadline... oups!)
3- keep up with 3 posts / week on my blog ( this is going great! just have to keep it up)
4- do more illustrations that have a "financial" or promotional purposes ( contests, etsy prints) (i have to keep in mind this one)
5- learn more about the business part of starting your own business (I have been reading a lot of blogs on the subject but I need to see what are the legalities in Canada)
6- put 3 new products on etsy ( product creation is taking more time that expected... better luck next month)
So this month was not the most productive one. Maybe my goals were a little bit unrealistic
I will try to do better next month
So here are my goals for June & July
1- build my website
2- keep up with 3 posts / week on my blog
3- finish 2 other Zodiac signs
that's it, let's keep it simple... so I can achieve all my goals
Here you can view all the other goals from all the members
So let's hope I can achieve my goals and you too !!
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