Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Voodoo dolls part1

I started a new projet. I want to create a serie of voodoo dolls. I wanted to play around with the different elements of the traditional voodoo dolls and of the traditional dolls. I took the element of the exposed heart form the traditionnal voodoo dools. As for the doll aspect, I wanted a doll that cries, another one that screams "Mama"... and i still have to figure out the concept for the third one. So here are the first steps of this projet.


  1. Your concept is amazing! I really like the idea of using a doll (being a doll lover myself err well really a Mannequins). I really can't wait to see more of your project and concepts as they develop!

  2. thanks for your comment. I am new to this blog thing and it is really great to have feedback. really thanks a lot
