Friday, April 10, 2009

New gadget: Xyron creative station review

Last week, I was working on some illustrations. I wanted to clue images printed on tracing paper. But when I applied my dry clue on it, the tracing paper became all wrinkled and clued unevenly. I was very disappointed by the result. So I started searching for a better clue on the internet. While searching, I didn't find the perfect clue but the Xyron Creative Station, which was supposed to make instant stickers out of everything you put in it. It looked pretty great so I bought it.

Well I got it this week and here is little review on the Xyron creative station 5" ( there are bigger and smaller model but mine makes 5 inch wide stickers )

So it is pretty simple,
Here is the Xyron Creative Station

You can put 2 types of adhesives in it: permanent or re positionable. The adhesive comes in a roll and you have to place inside the machine ( mine came with the roll already in place and ready to use)
In my case, I am using permanent adhesive.

Here are images I choose to become instant stickers
In this case I tested images printed on tracing paper and delicate cut outs.
I wanted to see how the station will handle this 2 types of images since the glue stick has trouble with them.

Here are the images ready to go in the machine
You have to push them gently till then get in

Then you start to turn the handle and your pieces of paper go in the Xyron and come out like this on the other side:

There's little blade that you use to cut the piece of paper like this:

And here is the result

You then remove the plastic film and you are ready to stick the images

I was really happy with the results. Everything came out great. The tracing paper clued perfectly to my surface, no wrinkles. The delicate cut out came out great also. And everything is clued evenly. It is a very good alternative to spray clue. Since it has no smell, no drips, no making your floor sticky because you didn't place enough newspaper under your image.
As for durability, I'll keep you posted... will see if everything last.

ps: I wasn't payed by anyone to do. I just wanted to share my find with you

(Here is a video I found of the whole process if you want to see more. But since this is a scrapbooking device... most videos about the xyron are done by housewife that use it for scrapbooking and craft with the kids... very martha steward)

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