Saturday, February 6, 2010

Illustration Friday: Muddy

Here is my piece for Illustration Friday this week
The topic is Muddy
Hope you like it!


  1. This is so cool. Great color scheme and type.

  2. I like your lettering Karo, but I think it's unnecessary. Your illustration speaks so clearly that there's no need to label it. I like how you've captured the feeling of walking through the mud, the way it just gets everywhere.

  3. I like the pattern textures and the hand-lettering!

  4. Karo!!! You made my day! Love your work and your blog! And funny to see, since some weeks I have some published postcards with a girl and her umbrella and the rain falling from inside :) We have something in common! :) Very strong talent you are! ♥ Kathy

  5. I agree with sarah makes pictures - you don't actually need the lettering... but having it there makes your image look like its the design for a (children's?) book cover! Beautiful! :^)

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