Sunday, March 6, 2011

Moly x 68

The other day I just wanted to create something. No thinking, no preparing... just draw and create something. So I grab a moly and did an entry. Here is the result. It was really relaxing to just sit and draw without thinking about the piece to much. I have a tendency to over think my project and sometime you just need to do it and stop thinking about it.

ps: You might have notice that karo design is Caro's design. The name change was demanded by a design company based in Vancouver. They have the canadian trademark of the word Karo and by using I was in violation of this trademark... so I have to remove all the karo everywhere. I think at some point I will have to migrate to another domain name too. This is very frustrating but I think trademark laws are important and they are often there to protect creators. Any advice on this whole matter?


  1. Your creation is beautiful! Flowing and magical. It's really important to just go and be sometimes. Silent fan here.

    And as far as violating trademark. This isn't protecting artists... This is big business using laws that are supposed to protect creators to bully creators. This is a firm. Not a person! There's no way to confuse you for many reasons. Do they not have anything better to do? So sorry I have no advice... Best of luck!
